Salesian Family Joint-School Opening Mass
2024-09-28 (Saturday)
Location : School Hall at Tang King Po School
Leader : Religious Education team
Category : Academic
On 28th September, more than 10 Salesian Youth Sodality members from our school participated in the Salesian Family Joint-School Opening Mass in the School Hall at Tang King Po School.
They first engaged in activities to reflect on the pastoral theme "The dream that makes You dream." During the mass, the provincial of the Salesian Province of China, Father Domingos Leong reminded students to cherish and make good use of God's beautiful creation and encouraged them to start it with their daily lives, such as carrying reusable water bottles and utensils. By doing so, they could set a good example for other students and inspire others to focus on God's creation and leave a beautiful world for the next generation.
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