S5 Level Activity - Inter-class debate
2024-07-02 (Tuesday)
Location : School hall
Leader : English department
Category : Academic

Engaging in debates hones critical thinking, expands vocabulary, and develops persuasive communication skills essential for academic and professional success. As such, debate lessons were organized for our S5 students as part of their Other Learning Experiences. Following a term of preparation, two rounds of formal debates were held for these students on 2 July in the school hall.

Class 5A was pitted against 5B in one of the debates on the motion "Salesian English School should admit female students." Emerging victorious in this fierce battle was class 5B, with Iori Wong from 5B awarded the title of Best Debater, and Edwin Hui, also from 5B, named the Most Popular Debater.

The second debate saw class 5C contending against 5D on the motion "Parents should be punished for their children's mistakes." In this round, 5D prevailed, with Alvin So from 5D earning the Best Debater accolade, while Martin Tsui from 5C was awarded the title of Most Popular Speaker.

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