Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Semi-Final 2024
2024-05-12 (Sunday)
Location : Shamshuipo Kaifong Welfare Association Primary School
Leader : Mathematics department
Category : Academic
In mid-May, our school participated in the "Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Semi-Final 2024", with over 3,000 representatives from 17 countries and regions participating, including Switzerland, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates. A total of 20 students from our school received awards in various categories, with 6 students achieving the top 8% and winning the gold award. F.5D Yuen Tsun To also ranked second among Hong Kong participants in the high school category, winning the second place. Our representatives will participate in the final round held in late August. Congratulations to all these students.
Address : 16 Chai Wan Road Shau Kei WanTel : 2560 2134 | Fax : 2568 9697
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