Themed days @English Corner
2023-10-03 (Tuesday)
Location : 406
Leader : English department
Category : Academic
With two NETs stationed in our school, the English Corner is now more accessible than ever. We offer chitchat sessions during recess and lunchtimes from Tuesday to Friday, each day featuring a unique theme.

Tuesdays take students on a linguistic World Tour, while Wednesdays are dedicated to sports, sparking passionate debates. On Board Game Thursday, students enjoy a variety of games, including 10 new additions. Wrapping up the week, Movie Friday offers English-language films for relaxation and cultural immersion.

Join us in Term 2 for more enriching activities as we nurture a love for language learning and cultural exploration!

Address : 16 Chai Wan Road Shau Kei WanTel : 2560 2134 | Fax : 2568 9697
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