
Symbols for MM Type 

V = Video 
A = Animation 
P = PowerPoint 
N = Notes 
I = Interaction

F.6 - 7

Topic Description MM Type
Physical Chemistry Show electron cloud A
Brownian Motion Demonstration Brownian Motion of showing a random of the motion of a large molecule due to the bombardment by small particles A
Physical Chemistry A movable 3D model of cubic structure I
Physical Chemistry A movable 3D model of body centred cubic lattice I
Physical Chemistry A movable 3D model of hexagonal compact structure I
Physical Chemistry A movable 3D model of hexagonal structure I
Physical Chemistry A movable 3D model of a C6H12 molecule I
Physical Chemistry A movable 3D model of a H2O molecule I
Physical Chemistry A movable 3D model of a CO2 molecule I
Physical Chemistry A movable 3D model of a CH4 molecule I
Physical Chemistry A movable 3D model of a C2H6 molecule I
Physical Chemistry A movable 3D model of a NH3 molecule I
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