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Publish DateNo.TitleCategory
2025-03-2124/25-309Tutorial class for Form 5General
2025-03-2124/25-309Tutorial class for Form 4General
2025-03-2124/25-307Form 3 English oral assessmentGeneral
2025-03-1924/25-301School Circular for April (F.4-5)General
2025-03-1924/25-301School Circular for April (F.3)General
2025-03-1924/25-301School Circular for April (F.1-2)General
2025-03-17家/09/25Parent School Board electionGeneral
2025-03-1724/25-291 (REF1)Requirements for applying to further studiesGeneral
2025-03-1724/25-291Form 5 subject withdrawn application round 3General
2025-03-1124/25-290OLE "Role-play Society Experiencing"General
2025-03-0324/25-286Application for parent-child field trip by PTA has closedGeneral
2025-02-2724/25-281Say no to "Space oil"General
2025-02-2424/25-274VTC Youth College campus tourGeneral
2025-02-2424/25-273Sharing session by Mr. Chau Yan TingGeneral
2025-02-1224/25-258 (REF2c)Revision guide for Form 3General
2025-02-1224/25-258 (REF2b)Revision guide for Form 2General
2025-02-1224/25-258 (REF2a)Revision guide for Form 1General
2025-02-1224/25-258 (REF1)Timetable for second term examinationGeneral
2025-02-1224/25-258Second Term Examination (Form 4-5)General
2025-02-1224/25-258Second Term Examination (Form 1-3)General
2025-02-1024/25-256JUPAS seminarGeneral
2025-02-1024/25-255"Hold on and hear your children's thoughts" seminar by VTCGeneral
2025-02-10家/08/25Sai Kung pier, Yim Tin Tze, Lions Nature Education Centre, UNESCO Global Geopark one-day tripGeneral
2025-02-0624/25-250Red Packet of Love collection schemeGeneral
2025-01-2324/25-241Mental support online resourcesGeneral
2025-01-2224/25-237Integrated Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) first test for Form 3General
2025-01-2124/25-236Scented candles DIY workshopGeneral
2025-01-2024/25-234Volunteers recruiting for Elderlies caring programmeGeneral
2025-01-1724/25-228Form 6 graduates activities for academic year 2024-25General
2025-01-1524/25-225 (REF1)Timetable for Form 6 Mock ExaminationGeneral
Address : 16 Chai Wan Road Shau Kei WanTel : 2560 2134 | Fax : 2568 9697
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