History ► 1971-1980


  • The whole school mourned the death of Rev. Fr. Patrick Corcoran on 5th October. —Rev. Fr. S. Poon took mission in California, U.S.A. Bro. A. Yao became the Principal of Primary Section.


  • For a better utilization of the school facilities, the dormitory for boarding students was closed.
  • The Rector, Rev. Fr. John Sen completed his tenure of office. Rev. Fr. Ignatius Lau succeeded in his office. During his office, Rev. Fr. J. Sen adhered strongly to the pedagogic principles of Don Bosco. The principles of providing a well-balanced curriculum and promoting extra-curricular activities were implemented. The school was further promoted by the appointment of Rev. John Wong and Rev. Joseph Lee as Prefects of Studies.
  • A typhoon on 18th June caused severe damages to the school premises.
  • The completion of the new wing and the gymnasium provided as ideal school environment for our students.
  • Students were benefited by the opening of a school canteen on the 1st floor.


  • This year came the graduation of the first batch of H.K.U. matriculants. Students could then complete their Form 7 education in Salesian School.


  • Mr. Lau Wai Shing, earning seven distinctions and two credits in the H.K.C.E.E. in 1972, subsequently got four distinctions in the Advanced Level Examination. He was then admitted to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in H.K.U.
  • The Chinese Section (Secondary) was closed.
  • Rev. Fr. A. Mak, who had been the Prefect of Studies of Aberdeen Technical School and Yuet Wah College in Macau, took office as the Principal in the Primary Section.


  • The Secondary Section participated in the Education Department scheme whereby the school would be gradully converted into a fully subsidized school.
  • The whole school mourned the death of Mr. Kwan Siu Pui, a respected teacher of our school.
  • Rev. Fr. Ignatius Lau completed his tenure of office. Fr. I. Lau had launched the school on the path of successful transition into a subsidized school. Rev. Fr. John B. Zen succeeded in his office.
  • To keep in line with the status of a fully subsidized school, the school underwent some administrative changes. The former Rector and Prefect of studies were replaced by a supervisor and a principal respectively. The first office of Supervisor was held by Rev. Fr. John B. Zen and his first office of Principal in the Secondary Section was held by Rev. Fr. Ignatius Lau.


  • The school authority generously extended help to victims of a fire at Aldrich Bay Village by offering our school gymnasium as the temporary shelter.


  • Our application for the opening of a Form 6 arts class was turned down and so our Form 5 arts classes had to close down.
  • Rev. Fr. Joseph Lau was appointed as the Principal of the Secondary Section.


  • Rev. Fr. John B. Zen had made great effort for the construction of a footbridge across Chai Wan Road, a notorious traffic black spot. Finally a footbridge was constructed in front of our school and was opened for use.
  • Our alumnus, Rev. Fr. Joseph So, was ordained priest and contributed his efforts to his mother school.
  • Teacher Mr. Leung Wah Lin, Mr. Lo Hung Fong and Mr. Cheng Yat Ping retired after their long services.
  • Rev. Fr. John B. Zen completed his tenure of office. While in office, he had applied for one extra F.7 class. In 1979, the proposal was approved. — Rev. Fr. Nobert Tse succeeded in the office.


  • On Thanksgiving Day, 26th January, a fun fair was held to raise money for refugees in Kampuchea.
  • Rev. Fr. Nobert Tse completed his tenure of office as the Supervisor. Rev. Fr. Clement Wong succeeded him. Throughout his tenure, Rev. Fr. Nobert Tse was also the Vice-Provincial of the Salesian Society (China Province). While in office, he was particularly concerned about moral education for our students.
  • Our Principal, Rev. Fr. Joseph Lau, was appointed as the supervisor of Aberdeen Technical School. Rev. Fr. Joseph Ho succeeded him in September.
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